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WordPress & vBulletin: a developer’s perspective

WordPress & vBulletin: a developer’s perspective

Why I won’t cry if vBulletin dies

Icrontic runs on the heavily-modified marriage of vBulletin and WordPress. WordPress is a light, extensible, and semantic content management system. vBulletin is the most popular forum software out there. After wading up to my neck in plugins and documentation for both, I’m here to tell you that Jelsoft, the maker of vBulletin, should be embarrassed.


WordPress has a template system that is completely divorced from its core components. You could take your folder of (22) template files, place them into any other WordPress install, and they’re ready to roll. New versions rarely ever conflict with existing templates. Did I mention that the templates are physical files? That means you can open them in your favorite code editor to work on them, too.

In contrast, vBulletin’s template system is stored in the database, which instantly screws you: no opening in your code editor, no saving it as files. You can export the whole thing as a gigantic proprietary file, just in case that’s helpful. Almost every non-bugfix release breaks a half-dozen or more templates which then need to be “reverted.” Essentially, you must start over and re-skin the entire file. The templates are also hopelessly granular, which means there are hundreds of sub-templates, all sorted into categories with cryptic names that do not correspond to any common-sense scheme. I’m sure this was all very impressive in 2001. In 2008, it’s pathetic.


WordPress maintains a Codex of documentation that is well-maintained, thorough, and exceedingly helpful. I have rarely come across a development issue that could not be easily solved by spending a few minutes browsing the Codex.

Meanwhile, vBulletin has a manual (useless for developers), an API reference (auto-generated and cryptic), and two forums for support. One is for “official” help (vbulletin.com), and the other is for “hack” help (vbulletin.org). Thus far I’ve gathered that vbulletin.com is mostly a place where developers are kindly told to move along to the dot-org site.

Both of these vBulletin support sites lack any organized documentation to help developers, and both insist that you “search the forum” because — duh — someone else already asked. Unfortunately, the search function is apt to return threads that would be useful were they not filled with dead links. I get “you cannot access this page” errors more often than I get helpful information.

I’m getting really really good at prefixing my Google searches with site:vbulletin.org, since that’s the only way I can find assistance on vB development. I’ve spent days on simple issues for want of clearer documentation.


WordPress subscribes to a fairly simple thesis: build and maintain the solid framework, and let everyone else add the “extra” features through plugins. The have an easily-navigable directory of plugins that are sorted by category so you can find the ones you need to customize your site to your purposes.

vBulletin has a different idea: they seem to define the quality of their product by the number of features they can tack on. Every point release contains a dizzying list of new toys which can’t be avoided without falling behind on security updates.

One can’t help but notice that most of the features added in the last year are aimed at making them a pale imitation of Facebook: walls, albums, social groups, and so on. As of late, I’ve spent significant time removing these ugly and poorly-implemented features.


WordPress is currently prepping its 2.7 release, which is entirely focused on reworking the admin panel for great usability. They’ve been conducting surveys and exhaustive rounds of testing to make sure this interface change is absolutely perfect. The attention to detail has been outstanding.

I honestly don’t think Jelsoft has ever heard of usability testing. No, seriously. There’s a thread in their forum pleading with them to hire a usability expert for the 4.0 release and — as far as I can tell — it’s falling on deaf ears. Jelsoft seems like a company of great engineers, but only engineers.

Yet another dropdown menu is the solution to every newly-minted feature. I swear there are 20 more Javascript dropdown menus in vBulletin than there were three years ago. I have five-year veterans of Icrontic’s forum staff asking how to manage pedestrian features like banning and thread-moving thanks to vBulletin’s cryptic design philosophy. It’s beyond confusing; it’s unusable for novices.

HTML Markup

View Souce (ctrl-U in Firefox) on a WordPress page, and then do the same on a vBulletin page. Enough said?

WordPress is semantic, while vBulletin still has the funk of a ’90s tables-in-tables layout with approximately 28 pounds of Javascript. I could fill a legion of buckets with the crying done over the hopelessness of search engine or mobile-optimization. They built an “archive” version in the vague attempt to compensate for this massive failure.


WordPress is free, and vBulletin has cost us well over $400 in licensing and fees over the years. Go figure.

In the end

I feel like vBulletin is a weight around my neck that makes every developmental move on the site exponentially more complicated. Conversely, WordPress continues to surprise and delight.

I think Jelsoft, not coincidentally, suffers from the engineer’s “you’re doing it wrong” perspective, which instinctively blames the user if she/he can’t figure something out. Those days died when the iPhone, Facebook, and Flickr stormed onto the scene. If your users can’t use your product right, it’s your fault.

I don’t have any present intention to dump vBulletin, but I do have high expectations for 4.0. If it doesn’t rectify, specifically, the template and interface issues that plague the system so badly, I will be seriously researching alternatives. My advice to those looking for forum software right now? Come on in, the quicksand is fine.


  1. Sam Jones Having worked with both as well, I gotta agree with you
  2. TiberiusLazarus
    TiberiusLazarus So how do you really feel?
  3. MiracleManS
    MiracleManS I can honestly say that the few times I've ever poked around in vBulletin were painful at best. If it weren't for the fact that reinventing the wheel is stupid, I'd suggest building your own from the ground up, something we've started doing at work.
  4. Linc
    Linc @MiracleMan: I've already done my stint maintaining a web application by myself; it isn't fun. ;) I want to spend my time enhancing good baseline products to differentiate our site, not maintaining baseline products (like the custom CMS we used for the last 2 years before WP).
  5. MiracleManS
    MiracleManS @ Keebler: I'm with you on that, trust me. Unfortunately it's not always so easy. Is there any plans by WordPress etc to develop a forum system that is integrated? If not, GET TO IT KEEBS!
  6. jared
    jared Can't argue with your points.

    vBulletin's admin panel is terrible. Actually, terrible sounds to good. Words can't describe how bad it is. It's a joke.
  7. l.m.orchard Had any thoughts about trying out Vanilla forums? Some have described it as the WordPress of forums software. http://getvanilla.com/
  8. Linc
    Linc @lmo: Yeah, I've actually singled that out as the "most likely to replace vB if it comes to that". I haven't dug too deep into it though, because the thought of porting 5 years of forum content to a new platform makes my head hurt. :-/ If I was starting over today (as a developer), I'd probably go with Vanilla.
  9. Shorty
    Shorty Brutal. Brilliant. Matt.. finally someone stands up and admits what we have all known for a long time.... VBulletin can be very tough work.
  10. Linc
    Linc "I don’t have any present intention to dump vBulletin"

    This is no longer correct. I'm ditching this thing like a bad habit.
  11. ardichoke
    ardichoke Right on. Can't wait to see the beautiful shiny new Vanilla forums you're working on.
  12. primesuspect
    primesuspect Right on! Can't wait to see the beautiful shiny new Vanilla forums you're working on.
  13. Kwitko
    ardichoke wrote:
    Right on. Can't wait to see the beautiful shiny new Vanilla forums you're working on.
    Right on! Can't wait to see the beautiful shiny new Vanilla forums you're working on.
  14. whatafy Their forum is ok, but their cms is crap, i try to figure it how to move my over 2.000 articles from vbulletin cms to a wordpress cms, or to a new script that is in work. Another website on wordpress is doing far better and didn;t had link buidling like the other website ... And their support for features is ZERO. The don't even have a basic option to add a link to navbar you have to hack that to ... amazing
  15. Linc
    whatafy wrote:
    Their forum is ok, but their cms is crap, i try to figure it how to move my over 2.000 articles from vbulletin cms to a wordpress cms, or to a new script that is in work. Another website on wordpress is doing far better and didn;t had link buidling like the other website ... And their support for features is ZERO. The don't even have a basic option to add a link to navbar you have to hack that to ... amazing
    I seriously can't even follow what you're talking about.

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